News and our latest donations > Shining stars at Beacon of Light

July 29, 2019

Shining stars at Beacon of Light

July 2019 was a proud moment for everyone associated with the Harrison Foundation, as the first cohort of learners graduated from our education centre at the Beacon of Light in Sunderland.

Our sister organisation, the Harrison Centre for Social Mobility, is based at the Beacon and provides a learning space for young people aged 14 – 19 years old.

In 2018/19, over 640 participants used the facilities at the Harrison Centre to achieve qualifications that include Maths and English Functional Skills/GCSE, ICT/Digital, Health and Social Care as well as Personal and Social Development.

The results from the Harrison Centre’s first year are truly impressive and a testament to the hard work of all those involved.

On average, 73% of participants developed into further education, employment or

training. All the learners achieved qualifications with a 98% pass rate in maths and English.

The results are outstanding and everyone at the Harrison Foundation offers our congratulations to the learners and the staff at the Beacon of Light.

We’re looking forward to another successful year ahead.


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